THE HAPPINESS EFFECT (Hardcover Edition)
THE HAPPINESS EFFECT (Hardcover Edition)
If you’ve ever despaired over your unhappy life, you need
– From author Stephen T. Radentz comes:
The Happiness Effect,
Creating Happiness in an Unhappy World
A holistic life program to finding happiness, health, and fulfillment, despite your circumstances.
As a former addict, Stephen knows what it’s like to hit rock bottom. And he knows how
worthless it feels to keep ending up there.
That’s why he’s anxious to share his breakthrough program. Through his method of body-mind-
nature connection, he hasn’t just attained ironclad sobriety. He’s discovered a world of
complete and overwhelming abundance of the things he had always considered out of his
reach. And that’s something he wants everyone to have.
A love letter to nature and life itself, his book is a guide to connecting, eating and medicating
naturally, with examples of how our mainstream food and medicine systems may not be the best choice for your health. You’ll also learn how to change the mindsets that sabotage your success, and how practicing gratitude leads to fulfillment.
“So many personal stories! It helps you see how the process works, and how it will work with you.” – K. Brown
Discover how healing through nature, while embracing positive thinking and gratitude, will bring not only happiness, but so much more.